Contrary to the video that has gone viral on different social media platforms early this afternoon that popular actress and business mogul, Alhaja Aishat Elizabeth Anjorin was caught in one popular market on the Island after stealing a gold worth N90.000, the beautiful Thespian has come out with a statement that the content was another plot by her detractors.
One of her close
associates, said "We are authoritatively informing you that the Badagry
thespian was set up by her enemies in the industry. Lizzy has no record of
stealing and she can never ever steal let alone a gold worth 90.000.
"The entrepreneur
and lady of substance has been an industrious hardworking person since her
childhood and she detest the act of stealing with passion."
Meanwhile, during her
live chat after the stealing saga, Lizzy Anjorin who is also known as Egandogo,
has fingered Gistlover, a popular blog as the brain behind her set up and she
has vowed to use every opportunity within her reach to redeem her image.
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