He is a man of two notable parts. A computer engineer and an accidental actor. Ojo Emmanuel Ayodele never had the ambition to act. He has however, assumed a prominent status in the movie industry , where he has become a household name through the same trade. In this brief interview session, the actor explained,among others, his accidental voyage into the make believe world. Enjoy the reading.
Q: Can you give a glimpse into what your growing up was like
A: I grew up in Surulere in Ijeshatedo with a very strong Christian background (CAC Family) I went to primary school . LABO memorial and Christian Heritage Academy all at Ijesha, then to secondary school in Lagos. Model College Kankon Badagry . Immediately after my secondary school education as a commercial student,I delved into Information technology to equip myself in computer engineering and later went to Aptech worldwide to study website animation, New horizons ikeja and so many other schools to learn computer indebt .
Along the line, i went to Olabisi Onabanjo University to study business admin . And as God would have it, i became the IT consultant for my department and other departments . Doing business at the same time as a student . And after university, proper business started in computer village
Q: Who is your direct boss or bosses in the Movie industry
A: My friend and boss is kayode Adebayo (Kay Alubarika ). He gingered me into acting .
Q: what inspired your moving from computer engineering to acting
A:My normal business life led me to meeting so many actors because they patronise me and they actually wanted a trusted hand in computer village ikeja . We had good relationship and all of a sudden, Kay Alubarika said he could spot my ability to act and like they say, the rest is now history.
Q: How many films have you taken a part in or produced
A: They are many, but the ones I can remember now are OJAY MAKANAKI , ITAKUN , MARRIED BUT SINGLE , KELEGBE .
Q: Are you cooking anything at the moment, that your fans should be expecting
A: Yes. Planning to produce Mind Blowing Movies on my YOUTUBE CHANNEL . RCSMTV and YorubaXclusive TV
Q: Do you have any regrets in life
A: Yea, not following my mind at a point of tuning back over a decision
Q: Is there any challenge or Challenges you were confronted with, that ended up improving you one way or another.
A: So many . I am blessed psychologically and the moment I don’t follow my instinct I have issues . And I have learnt in the hard way in so many areas.
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