Staying closer to Allah after Eid ...Echoes From The Mimbar - DE-REPORTORIAL


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Saturday, July 8, 2023

Staying closer to Allah after Eid ...Echoes From The Mimbar

(Hassan O. G/  Writes from London)

The sermon opened with a joyful announcement that someone reverted to Islam today just before the Jum’ah, and according to the Sunnah of not delaying (waiting even to tie your shoelace) when anyone expresses the desire to enter the fold of Islam, the ceremony was privately carried out, hoping to have the proper introduction next week.  

The sermon topic this week was “*Staying Closer to Allah after Eid*”. 

Picking from one of the verses quoted last week; Q. 2:200 was explained as an encouragement to keep in touch with Allah not just during Hajj or the 3 days of Tashriq, but throughout our life as believers. 

“*And when ye have completed your devotions, then remember Allah as ye remember your fathers or with a more lively remembrance. But of mankind is he who saith: "Our Lord! Give unto us in the world," and he hath no portion in the Hereafter.*

(Q. 2:200) 

Professor Moshood Adebayo Baderin who delivered the Khutbah noted that regular prayer and by extension the act of remembering Allah affords a believer, from time to time cleansing from his or her sins. 

Praying at the scheduled time, the Imam explained, is an assurance of paradise for a believer because it involves remembering Allah with your tongue, heart, and deeds/actions.  

According to scholars, believers got 4 high-worth gifts; a Remembering tongue, a Thankful heart, Patient Body that endures when tested. and a Good Spouse who pleasantly encourages you towards the pleasure of Allah and a spouse who is not wasteful of your resources. 

It is a direct instruction to remember Allah a lot and celebrate His praise both at night and in the day. 


Believers were enjoined to be sincere and committed to the remembrance of Allah, unlike the hypocrites who do so, to be seen by men. 

Q. 4:142 testifies that hypocrites shall have their deceit returned to them, 

*Lo! The hypocrites seek to beguile Allah, but it is He Who beguileth them. When they stand up to worship they perform it languidly and to be seen as men and are mindful of Allah but little;*(Q. 4:142)

As contained in the second chapter of the holy Quran, Allah urged us to …” Remember me, I’ll remember you.”

Professor Baderin explained that a ‘Thankful heart’ appreciates the favour of Allah no matter how seemingly small it appears. 

Quoting Q. 14:33. *And maketh the sun and the moon, constant in their courses, to be of service unto you, and hath made of service unto you the night and the day.*…..the Imam called attention to how much the 

sun/summer is enjoyed by all, so much that some people go about almost naked, it is only a thankful heart sees it as a favour. If these elements were not subjected to mankind, the impacts of both the moon and the sun for example would be too harsh on us, the Professor explained. He added that Prophet Sulaiman (asws) exemplified a thankful-hearted man, prophet, and king.  

Another treasure believers are gifted is a Patient Body when tested; the Imam noted that it is inevitable for the living to face life challenges. Professor Baderin quoted Suratul Ankabut wherein Allah put it to believers that …Do you think by just proclaiming faith you will not be tested? …Allah gave good tidings to the patient ones. 

Patience restores the believer’s hope that after every trial there is triumph, after every hardship there is ease, according to verses of the Qur’an. Being patient when tried is greatly beneficial. 

-*13:24. (Saying): Peace be unto you because ye persevered. Ah, passing sweet will be the sequel of the (heavenly) Home.*

The second part of the sermon dwelled on the 4 levels of remembering Allah: 

1. An engaged tongue but absent mind. 

2. An engaged mind but an immobile tongue 

3. An engaged tongue, present mind

4. An engaged tongue, a present mind, and a sincere heart, which is the peak we must all aspire to achieve and keep as believers. 

The Imam referenced the Hadith of Muadh bn Jabal who reported that the Prophet held his hand and said he (Prophet) loves and would advise him,….the Prophet Muhammad (saws) told Muadh never to leave his prayer spot without saying “ My Lord ease my remembering you, my being thankful to you, and perfect my worshiping you). 

Prof Baderin dedicated some prayers to members of the Mosque who returned from hajj as well as the deceased Muslims. He appealed for donations towards the mosque rebuild project and prayed for global peace.

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